this is an image of Vitali fixed

Vitali Golev

Professional front-end developer | UI/UX | digital designer.

Me on Weekends 😎

Ah, the weekends! It's my time to shine and indulge in all the things that bring me joy. Picture this: as the alarm clock tries in vain to wake me, I revel in the fact that I can silence it with a single swipe. It's time for some serious relaxation and outrageous adventures.

Well, first and foremost, there's my furry partner in crime, my beloved dog. Walking my four-legged friend is not your typical stroll. He enjoys chasin' a stick or ball, and he always hands it back prepared for another game.

My weekends are a wild medley of humor, adventure, and quality time with my furry companion and cherished friends. I wholeheartedly embrace the whimsical side of life, leaving a trail of laughter and unforgettable memories wherever I go. So, here's to more weekends filled with outrageous escapades and a spirit that never takes itself too seriously.

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